

Meet our Safeguarding Team!

Celebrating Safeguarding Success!

We are so pleased to share that we have been awarded Gold, the highest possible grading, for our recent Anchored Schools extensive safeguarding audit, which recognised safeguarding to be at the centre of everything we do at Manston St James. This is a fantastic outcome particularly given that, only a handful of schools in the country receive Gold, demonstrating just how difficult it is to achieve. 

Anchored Schools is a nationally-recognised organisation that works with hundreds of schools and academies across the country at both primary and secondary level and across the spectrum of mainstream, alternative provision and SEND settings. They bring a wealth of expertise and are highly regarded for their thorough approach. 

The auditing process is incredibly intensive. Using their own software, recognised by Ofsted to be exemplary, Anchored Schools reviewed our processes, systems, policies and procedures to evidence all aspects of safeguarding. The threshold to achieve Gold is incredibly high, ensuring that only settings with the very best safeguarding practices receive the quality mark. It is great to see our hard work acknowledged by such an respected external expert. 

Debbie Lamb, Education Consultant at Anchored Schools, summarised: 

‘Your approach to safeguarding children, families and your staff is excellent and you should be incredibly proud of what everyone at MSJ does in creating such a strong culture of safeguarding’. 

Well done to all our staff at Manston St James on this outstanding achievement. 

Our Safeguarding Statement

Manston St James Primary Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to share this commitment.

We understand our statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our children. We will ensure we provide a safe and welcoming environment where all pupils feel welcomed and loved. We will act quickly and follow our procedures to ensure children receive early help and effective support and protection.

If you have any concerns regarding a Child Protection issue, please report this using the orange ‘Share a concern’ button above in the top right hand corner of our Website.


You can find all our policies, including those relating to safeguarding listed below, on the Policies Page

  • Equality Policy
  • Positive Behaviour Policy
  • RSE Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Attendance Policy
  • Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy